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The Solas of the Reformation

September 3, 2017 Speaker: David Steele Series: Always Reforming


A. SOLA GRATIA - ________________________
“We believe that sinners are saved by God’s grace alone
because apart from His grace, we do not have the ability
nor the desire to please Him or earn His favor.”

1. Our previous condition
 We were ____________ in sin.
 We walked according to the _______________
 We followed the _______________.
 We lived according to the ________________.
 We were children of __________________.
2. The current condition of converted people
 Recipients of God’s ________________.
 Recipients of God’s ________________.
 _____________ together with Christ.
 Saved by _________________________.

B. SOLA FIDE - ___________________________

“We believe that we are saved by faith in Jesus alone,
apart from any human merit, works, or ritual. Genuine faith
produces Christ-glorifying fruit in the people of God for the
glory of God.”

1. The Critical Principles
 Justification is by ___________ alone through
____________ alone.
 Faith is the ___________ of God.
 Justification is never a result of
 Boasting is __________________.
 Faith ________________.
2. The Logic of the Reformers
 Justification by faith alone is
_______________ to the gospel.
 The gospel is _____________ to Christianity.
 The gospel is _____________ to a church’s
being a true church.
 To reject justification by faith alone is to reject
the gospel and to __________ as a church.

C. SOLA CHRISTUS - _______________________
“We believe that we are saved by Christ alone, who is fully
God and fully man. Christ was our substitute who died for
our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead on the
third day.”

1. Observations
 Christ who is fully _________ and fully
__________ is the only One who can bear the
weight of sinners.
 Christ’s _________________________ death
on the cross, secured salvation for God’s glory.

D. SOLA SCRIPTURA - _________________________
“We believe the Bible is God’s absolute truth for all people,
for all times; it is our final authority for discerning truth.”

1. Observations

 The Roman Catholic Church holds two sources
of infallible revelation - ___________________
and _________________________________.

 Evangelicals insist on ___________________.
E. SOLI DEO GLORIA - _________________________
“We believe in the triune God who exists in three distinct
Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) who created, sustains
and sovereignly rules over all things, and to whom belongs
all the glory forever and ever.”

“For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36, ESV)

More in Always Reforming

October 29, 2017

A Reformation of Biblical Conviction

October 22, 2017

A Reformation of God-Centeredness

October 15, 2017

A Reformation of Ministry