This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

The Magnanimous Love of God

April 28, 2013 Series: Walking in the Light

Passage: 1 John 4:7–4:21


1 John 4:7-21

Pastor David Steele


___________________________ God's love leads to _________________________________ God's love.


I. _______________________ GOD'S LOVE

A. A LOVE THAT _____________________

1. This sacrificial love is rooted in _______________ past.


B. A LOVE THAT ____________________

1. God sent his Son to be the _____________________ for our sins.

2. The two-fold motive of propitiation:

To ___________ the wrath of God

To ___________ the love of God

3. The message of propitiation:

Help us understand ____________

Believers will never face the ________

Clears the path for _________________.


C. A LOVE THAT _________________


II. ____________________________ GOD'S LOVE

A. LOVE FOR ______________________.

Features of this Love:

1. A love that God _____________________.

2. A love that God _____________________.

3. A love that God _____________________.

4. A love that God ____________________.



1 John 4:7-21

Discussion Questions


  1. Can you think of other historical figures like William Wilberforce or John Newton who discovered the love of God and distributed the love of God?
  2. What do you know about someone who has yet to discover the love of God?
  3. How did you discover the love of God?  What series of events led you to believe the gospel? Did you love God first or did God love you first?  How do you know?
  4. What aspects of God's love emerge in 1 John 4:7-21? How does the depth of the love that John describes influence your worship?
  5. How is God's love sacrificial?
  6. How does the doctrine of propitiation reveal the love of God?
  7. In vivid and biblical terms, describe how God's love saves.
  8. What does it mean to distribute the love of God?
  9. How does Scripture describe this love shown to other people?
  10. Where have you been distributing the love of God?
  11. Why is it important to distribute the love of God?
  12. Can you think of other arenas where the love of God needs to be distributed?  How can you help?